Wednesday, March 26, 2008
War in Iraq
I think our troops should be sent back home. This war has been going on for about five to six years now and needs to come to an end. Everyone is emotionally tied to this war and large amounts of money is always being spent. We keep sending more soldiers into this battle not knowing whether they will come out or not. I have some friends fighting in the war as we speak, and I would like to see them come home in one piece. There has been a total of 4,000 deaths, and that is not even including the injuries or permanent scarring these troops will face in their future that is supposively to last for one hundred years. Also the government is wasting too much money in this war and will keep pouring money down the drain until this fighting is over with. Yes, I know the cause of this war was because of the terrorism, and at the time I thought it was a good idea to go to war, but now it is just dragging out and is not even about the terroism factor anymore anyways. It is altogether just a big waste of everyone's time and money.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Huckabee is just the man for Texas....NOT!
This article the Austin American Statesmen is mainly about how such a "great" person Senator Mike Huckabee is, and how "bad" person Senator McCain is. Yet this is another prime example of how dirty politics are and can get. Can we not for once have a clean, fair race? I mean c'mon anyone can bash anyone and make the other person look like an angel. Everybody has made mistakes at one point and time in their life, there is no such thing as a completely clean, perfect person in this world. We make mistakes and we learn from them. And this article is just pointing out imperfections on Senator McCain, when I'm sure Senator Huckabee is right there with him, or even at that, he might even have more things wrong going for his campaign. You can say anything you please to say about anyone such as this person does about Senator Huckabee, but can you prove it or back it up with evidence? You think describing him as a, "dazzling campaigner" is going to help him out any? Ha that makes me laugh. Honestly if Senator Huckabee was as great as this article describes him, wouldn't he be at the top runnings with Senator Obama and Senator Clinton right now?
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